Enjoying JAPAN 日本を楽しもう!
Language Ruby


Language Ruby Font Ruby Margin Ruby Size
Language Ruby

日本(にほん)文化(ぶんか)日本語(にほんご)手軽(てがる)(たの)しめるページ(ぺーじ)です This is a page where you can easily enjoy Japanese culture and Japanese language.

日本の文化と日本語を手軽に楽しめるページです This is a page where you can easily enjoy Japanese culture and Japanese language.


懐石レストラン 桃林荘・華山亭の門構え
懐石(かいせき)レストラン(れすとらん) 明治(めいじ)神宮(じんぐう)にある、桃林荘(とうりんそう)華山亭(かざんてい)門構(もんがま)
Gate of Momorinso and Hwasan-tei at Meiji Jingu Shrine


This site introduces many people around the world to the wonderful places of Japan, including its beautiful cityscapes, landscapes, and the culture that has been handed down from generation to generation.



This site is for those who are interested in Japan and have started studying Japanese.
Kanji is a very useful character in the Japanese language because it can be understood as both sound and meaning at the same time, but it is difficult to memorize because of the large number of kanji to memorize.

This site was created to make it easy to read such kanji and to enjoy kanji and Japan by utilizing ruby, a system of writing hiragana readings alongside the kanji.


In addition to introducing Japan, we will be adding more information on Japanese language schools in the future for those who come to Japan to study Japanese, so we hope you will use this information when choosing a school.

記事(きじ)リスト(りすと) Article List